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ready reckoner
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Ready reckoner

Ready \Read"y\ (r[e^]d"[y^]), a. [Compar. Readier (r[e^]d"[i^]*[~e]r); superl. Readiest.] [AS. r[=ae]de; akin to D. gereed, bereid, G. bereit, Goth. gar['a]ids fixed, arranged, and possibly to E. ride, as meaning originally, prepared for riding. Cf. Array, 1st Curry.]

  1. Prepared for what one is about to do or experience; equipped or supplied with what is needed for some act or event; prepared for immediate movement or action; as, the troops are ready to march; ready for the journey. ``When she redy was.''

  2. Fitted or arranged for immediate use; causing no delay for lack of being prepared or furnished. ``Dinner was ready.''

    My oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.
    --Matt. xxii. 4.

  3. Prepared in mind or disposition; not reluctant; willing; free; inclined; disposed.

    I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem, for the name of the Lord Jesus.
    --Acts xxi. 13.

    If need be, I am ready to forego And quit.

  4. Not slow or hesitating; quick in action or perception of any kind; dexterous; prompt; easy; expert; as, a ready apprehension; ready wit; a ready writer or workman. ``Ready in devising expedients.''

    Gurth, whose temper was ready, though surly.
    --Sir W. Scott.

  5. Offering itself at once; at hand; opportune; convenient; near; easy. ``The readiest way.''

    A sapling pine he wrenched from out the ground, The readiest weapon that his fury found.

  6. On the point; about; on the brink; near; -- with a following infinitive.

    My heart is ready to crack.

  7. (Mil.) A word of command, or a position, in the manual of arms, at which the piece is cocked and held in position to execute promptly the next command, which is, aim.

    All ready, ready in every particular; wholly equipped or prepared. ``[I] am all redy at your hest.''

    Ready money, means of immediate payment; cash. ``'T is all the ready money fate can give.''

    Ready reckoner, a book of tables for facilitating computations, as of interest, prices, etc.

    To make ready, to make preparation; to get in readiness.

    Syn: Prompt; expeditious; speedy; unhesitating; dexterous; apt; skillful; handy; expert; facile; easy; opportune; fitted; prepared; disposed; willing; free; cheerful. See Prompt.

ready reckoner

n. 1 A printed book or table containing precalculated values, often multiples of given amounts. 2 A computer program which calculates values; an online calculator.

ready reckoner

n. a handbook of tables used to facilitate computation [syn: reckoner]

Usage examples of "ready reckoner".

At the speeds that are to be expected, the computer will be more than a mere ready Reckoner.